Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Another use for duct tape

I'm moving in a week and since I work best with lists I've made a list of helpful things/ things to do as you ready yourself for a move:
  • Clarify your move-in/out date for your new place.  In my instance one lease ended the day before my new one began.  I managed to talk to my current landlord to extend the lease for a weekend, giving me a few extra days to move.
    • Also make sure to double-check what you are responsible for in terms of getting your security deposit back.  A lot of times you need to have your carpets professionally cleaned as well as your house professionally cleaned.  Here in D.C. there's an entire cleaning business based on move-in/out cleaning.  I managed to get out of hiring professional cleaners and only hiring a carpet cleaner.
  • Change addresses for not only your utilities but also for USPS and all your internet shopping accounts,  subscriptions, etc.A year later and we still get packages for what I hope are the previous tenets.  Nothing worse then ordering a package and never getting it.
  • Pack early and often.  Now I'm super organized and really antsy about these types of thing so I started packing about a month before the move.  I started with easy things like books and movies that I knew I wasn't going to have time to watch in the next month.  Next I worked on out-of-season clothing, excess toiletries and now 5 days before I'm working on packing up the kitchen. 
  • DUCT TAPE: this is where I will probably save the most time.  I bought 5 different colors of duct tape since I am moving to a place with 5 rooms.  Each room has a designated color so on the day of move-in all my helpers (who are lured with free pizza and beer) they can distribute the box right in the room it belongs, instead of me having to move boxes twice.
  • Finish any "projects" you might have.  I had a ton of clothes that needed mending/altering and I realized that if I didn't do them now I would probably never get around to doing it so I made a day out of completing all my sewing alterations.
Packing tips according to item:
  • Clothes
    • Pack out of season clothing first, and use suitcases you already own
    • Take this time to go through your clothing and get rid of clothes you don't wear - it can be helpful at this time to invite over a friend you see regularly and have him/her judge if they've seen you in an item.  Chances are if your best friend hasn't seen a shirt you've own for years, you don't wear it enough and should donate it
    • For things in the closet - keep them hung and then put them in trash bags.  I want to use the bags again so I put the bags around the clothes and use the bag ties to secure the hangers in place, that way after the move I still have trash bags to use!
  • Bathroom
    • Pack all your spare toiletries up early and only keep a small travel-sized bag of toiletries that you can use for a week or two and that you'll be able to use the day of your move/ a few days after you move so you aren't digging through boxes for everything.
  • Entertainment
    • You probably won't be able to watch a whole lot of movies or read a whole lot of books in the upcoming weeks before the move so take some time and pack those early to get them out of the way
    • Pack books in small boxes or rolling suitcases because books get incredibly heavy
  • Kitchen
    • Use your current kitchen towels to help pad boxes and protect breakables
    • Use paper or Styrofoam plates in between your nice, ceramic or glass, plates so they are protected and that they dont scrape against eachother
  • Outdoor Items
    • Another seasonal type item that you can pack up parts earlier then others.  Things like boots, shovels, sleds can be packed right away if you are moving in the summer - and the reverse is true if you are moving in the winter
  • Tools   
    • Save these for last or make sure they are always easily accessible.  You will need tools up until you move-out and right away when you move-in.  Same goes for cleaning supplies - you want these to be handy throughout the moving process.

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