Even though I'm a little late to the game I thought I would make public my resolutions for 2014 that way I have a record of them and it holds me semi-accountable.
1. Plan my meals and actually cook different things for dinner
This is on here because while I am an absolute master at pasta from a box with sauce from a jar, and a variety of breakfast foods I really need to work on prepping meals that aren't the same thing and I need to develop some cooking skills. At least until I can find someone who promises to do all the cooking and I will do all the cleanup. Since that doesn't appear to be happening at the moment it was time to take things into my own hands and figure out this cooking thing for myself.
2. Live a more active lifestyle
I didn't want this to be a boring "go to the gym more" goal that is on lots of people's resolutions. I want this to be a: walk more, drink more water, take stairs, try out intramural soccer or a barre workout, explore more active options. While I'm certainly not unhealthy, I could do more in this area to improve. I'm looking at buying a bike from my boss so I can take some bike trips in addition to possibly joining a soccer league in the Spring.
3. Give back to the community I live in
I've always loved volunteering and getting involved in my community. I'm still exploring this option but maybe I'll join an organization at the Lutheran church I've been to a few times, or research opportunities around me, like visit with seniors, read to children, tutor and volunteer as a tour guide somewhere. Whatever it is, I want to get involved.
4. Professional development
Since I figured I needed some resolution to be work related, here it is. I've signed up for some online professional development courses and I just need to sit down and take them. I want more responsibility because I would like to grow in my office as well as figure out a way to get promoted (always tricky in this budget environment) but if I work hard and learn things like Adobe dreamweaver for editing our website, photoshop for our event fliers, more about our tracking systems, and keep up with my ongoing learning I should greatly improve my skills and my value in the office.
5. Blog more
This one is fairly self explanatory but I would really like to become a better blogger, as well as blog more frequently so I can really use this as a diary of my experience living in DC. Yes, I've been here for two years, but it's never too late to start! I still haven't figured out a format yet (projects, crafts, news, pictures, etc) but I figured I would try a variety and see what sticks.
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