Friday, September 12, 2014

5 Things I'm looking forward to this weekend

Usually I get to see my wonderful boyfriend on the weekends since we live +140 miles apart and can't see each other during the week.  However today is one of those weird weekends where it didn't work for me to get a train and he can't drive to see me, so even though I'm bummed I won't get to see him, here are five things I am really excited for:

  1. Sleep:  This work has been crazy busy with me coming in early and staying late for events and other work tasks.  The events weren't easy cake walks, most of them had some issues with them and I've still had my regular work stuff on top of that, I've been feeling like I'm burning the candle at both ends so I'm definitely looking forward to sleeping in both Saturday and Sunday
  2. Goodwill trip:  My friend and I occasionally do these Goodwill trip/days where we scope out 4-5 Goodwills in Virginia looking at books, furniture, clothes, and old POM glasses.  We have not had a trip in awhile and I have a few bags of things to get rid of from my own house!
  3. Reading on my balcony:  It's finally cooling down here in DC and Sunday is supposed to be beautiful.  All I want to do is go out on my balcony with a cup o' joe and my book and read for hours on end.  I'm currently in the middle of Outlander and even though I've read it before, I'm still hopelessly enthralled!
  4. Television watching: Speaking of Outlander, it's now a television show and I can't wait for the new episode on Saturday - I really hope it's the wedding!  Since I'm the only one who gets Starz my friends come over to my place and we all hang out and swoon over the Scottish kilts and accents.
  5. Ska Band: this is a recent addition, as in the last hour, when my friends decided that it would be fun to go out and see a ska band tonight.  I've never been to the bar, but the group of friends is always fun so I'm looking forward to going out for a bit after the gym and dinner - let's hope I last that long and don't fall asleep on the stationary bike!

 Those are my fun plans for the weekend - a bonus #6 would be a possible skype date with boyfriend and with family, I used to be hesitant about skype but now I love seeing the faces and expressions of the people I talk to and I'm a full convert!

What about you?  Any fun things happening in your neck of the woods for this weekend?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Book Talk: Eleanor & Park

Eleanor & Park reminded me not just what it’s like to be young and in love with a girl, but also what it’s like to be young and in love with a book.”—John Green, The New York Times Book Review

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell was a great read that I devoured in a day.  I was originally handed this book by one of my book-loving colleagues who was looking to talk about this story with someone.  I grabbed it before heading to the gym and I actually wanted to stay on the bike longer - just to keep on reading!

The story is about first love between two high school misfits, however the book explores much deeper themes then that.  While my high school experience was not as traumatic as Eleanor's I did experience my first love in High School and I think this book captures those feelings in an honest way.  There are so many good quotes that brought me right back to being 16, and all those wonderful hopeful feelings of first love, how you're so hopeful even though you realistically know the odds are stacked against you.

“Holding Eleanor's hand was like holding a butterfly. Or a heartbeat. Like holding something complete, and completely alive.” 

If you're looking for an honest book, that is well written that will absorb you, check out this book - definitely a wonderful read!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Top 10: Ways I kill time online

Everyone has different ways to kill time on the internet and this week I figured I would share mine.

1: Pinterest: Specifically the Home Decor, Women's Fashion and Everything sections
I enjoy browsing through the photos and getting ideas for new outfits I can put together, new home decor ideas as well as seeing the occasional Harry Potter or Hunger Games Meme - definitely an easy way to kill a couple of hours


2. Facebook
Need I say more?  It's a great way to stay in touch with not only your friends but also to see what those people in High School that you don't talk are doing with their lives.  As my newsfeed fills with a lot more wedding and baby pictures it is starting to slightly freak me out.


3. Blogs, the 2 I check the most often: Capitol Hill Style and Young House Love
The First one is about fashion for the professional woman and the latter is about a young couple who renovates their old house.  Both blogs are witty and informative and I check them first things every morning.  Capitol Hill Style posts three times per day (usually unless she has Law School Finals) and Young House love recently switched to once per day, so if anyone has any good blogs I should check out - please let me know!

chrome extensions  Kindle Cloud Reader App for Google Chrome and ChromeBook

4. Kindle Cloud Reader
A great way to read online if you want to be slightly less conspicuous then reading a book at your desk.  Also through Amamzon and Amazon prime you can get a lot of books for free or fairly cheap so it's a nice way to stay on top of all those great books!

Get on Google News

5. Google News
A must to keep on top of current events throughout the world and at home.  I like that I can get google alerts sent to my inbox as well as adjust the different levels of news so I can really tailor exactly what I want


6. Pottermore
My latest addiction, so much so, that I'm all the way through the first 4 books (which are the only ones available at this time)  It's a great way to explore the world that J.K. Rowling created filled with new history and facts about different characters or objects - for example she talks about wand woods and the different characteristics each one has!  Talk about a woman who had all the details figured out!  Sometimes it get s bit boring "collecting" everything but luckily if you can't find it everyone in the comments is incredibly helpful!

7. Wikipedia - Article of the Day
I'm not that great at trivia but I feel like reading the "Article of the Day"is a good way to start learning about random people/places/things and it's generally interesting to see if I can find a connection to something I am more familiar with in my day-to-day life.

Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!

8. Podcasts - NPR "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me"
I listen to a few different podcasts, although this one is my favorite.  It's NPR's news quiz and presents the week's current events in a fun and informative way!


9. Zwillow
In my next life, or for my mid-life crisis, I would love to buy and fix up old homes.  Because of this it is always fun to look at the real estate market in my neighborhood - which is SUPER expensive! And then to also look at the housing markets in different places where I think it would be fun to live. seal.jpg

10. USAJobs
Even though I love my office and my job it's always good to look around to see what opportunities are out there and to think about what else I would like to do.  If nothing else there's also a bit of confidence to be found in the "Man, I'm glad I don't have that job"

Monday, August 25, 2014

Book Talk: Time Traveler's Wife

The Time Traveler's Wife

"'But don't you think' I persist 'that it's better to be extremely happy for a short while, even if you lose it, than to be just ok for your whole life?'"

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, is another book that I grabbed at a Goodwill in particular because I was curious since I had seen previews for the movie.  Admittedly it does sound like an interesting plot: a man travels back in time and visits a little girl who eventually becomes his wife. However it's incredibly more complex than that, because even though Claire has spent her childhood being visited by Henry, said time traveler, when she meets adult Henry, Henry hasn't actually met her yet... so it's this really weird  circular theme.  The author eases concern by starting each section/chapter telling you the year and how old Claire and Henry are (which I found to be immensely helpful)

I also enjoyed that I got to read the story from each of their perspectives, because while Claire starts out as the romantic Henry is decidedly realistic and you realize that because of his condition he has to be.  He can't control when he time travels or where he time travels and he always shows up stark naked at a new location (talk about a problem when you live in Chicago and it gets realllllly cold).  The most heartbreaking part of this story was when they kept trying to have a child and they kept having miscarriages, it was the hardest part to read.  And I kept thinking that they were going to find a cure to allow Henry to stay in the present.  But what I ended up liking the most about this story was the non fairy tale but still very happy ending.

I would highly recommend this book as a entertaining read, perfect for a summer beach weekend or when you're traveling somewhere.  It's easy enough to read with enough substance and intrigue to keep you fully engrossed throughout the story.  

"Time is priceless, but it's free - you can't own it, but you can use it.  You can spend it.  But you can't keep it.  Once you've lost it you can never get it back."

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Book Talk: The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing

Book Talk, is a new series of posts where I talk about the latest book I've read - so there will be spoilers!

The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing, by Melissa Bank, is a collection of short stories that maps the progress of Jane Rosenal's life as she sets off from child to adulthood, generally focusing on her romantic relationships along the way.  I first picked up this book at Goodwill because I thought it looked interesting and I could afford to spend $1 on a book.  Then it sat on my bookcase....

One night I was having difficulty sleeping, so I picked it up and started blazing through it.  The short story style makes it easy to blaze through although I have to admit sometimes I had difficulties figuring out if the short story wasn't specifically from Jane's perspective then who the character was, and how it connected to Jane - for example one short story was about the people who lived below her aunt's apartment.

Jane starts a relationship with a much older man who is not only a fabulous figure int he publishing world but also an alcoholic, and she's happy with him.  He teaches her about publishing, how to stick up for herself as well as being in a relationship.  She initially is happy but eventually she realizes that he can't give her everything she wants and while they do a whole "on again - off again" dance she eventually meets someone closer to her age.  This is where she realizes, like a lot of women, she has absolutely no clue what she's doing.  My favorite part of the book was at the end where she was trying to follow this ridiculous rules and guidelines she read about in the book "How to Meet and Marry Mr. Right."  And while the guidelines are things women have heard before "don't act too interested," or "don't say love first" she eventually realizes that she's acting like she's in high school and the poor guy has no idea what to do with her.  Things go so much better once she ditches Bonnie and Faith (the fictitious narrators of "Meet and Marry Mr. Right"

It's a very funny, quick read about one girl's journey thorugh love and instead of being like every other story the short story style brings a different perspective to it, as does her relationships with an oder man to then follow a "guide" in order to find a guy closer to her age.  She's ultimately trying to discover how to be herself in a relationship and that's something everyone can relate to.

I'll leave you with one quote from the book:
"There is no stopping now.  Both of us are hunters and prey, fishers and fish.  We are the surf 'n' turf special with fries and slaw.  We are just two mayflies mating on a summer night"

Anyone need to borrow a fun and quick read?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday's Top 10

I figured to ease me back into the blogging world I would try to blog at least one day a week.  I often create "Top 10" lists at work as a way to advertise our offerings, so I figured I could adapt that here.  This week I will do a "Top 10: T.V. shows that I love watching right now"  To explain a bit this is more of a "if I turn on the TV and scroll through my options what are the top 10 things I will go to - so some of these are not recent shows (it's summer time, there isn't a lot of new tv currently) but it's the shows that I find myself watching more often then not.

Here are my Top 10 - in no particular order

1. Cutthroat Kitchen 

Cover art

photo credit

Premise according to me:

My roommate actually turned me on to this show: It's a cooking show that's a contest between 4 contestants.  There are three rounds and in each round the chefs need to make a basic dish, they have 60 seconds to shop and then the bidding begins.  Each chef gets $25,000 at the beginning of the show that they can use to bid on ridiculous items or challenges for their opponents to make their lives miserable.  Some of the ones that have been fun?  While making a Cubano one chef only had a cigar cutter to use as a cutting implement or making sloppy joes with SPAM, using a tiny cast iron skillet or coffee filters to do all your cooking and mixing, etc.  you get the idea.  It's impressive to see which chefs actually have the ingenuity to make something delicious and which chefs crumble under the pressure.

Why it's addicting:  They are always coming up with new obstacles to throw in the chefs' way and to see the dishes they make with little to none or the completely wrong ingredients is fascinating to someone like me who doesn't cook very often.  Plus Alton Brown is a pretty wonderful host.

2. How I Met Your Mother

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Premise according to me:
Told in flashbacks, Ted is telling his children about How he met their Mother but really it's more about the 5 friends and their adventures in New York City.  Basically "Friends" but it came out a year after "Friends" ended

Why it's addicting: While I wasn't along for the beginning of this show I hopped on a few season into it and immediately fell in love with this sitcom.  It's funny and has memorable characters who surprise you every once in awhile.  And while the writing slipped in the later seasons, they mostly show the early seasons for reruns.

3. Fixer Upper

photo found

Premise according to me:
My dad got me hooked on this show when he was visiting me a few weekends ago.  This is a couple in Texas who sells couples "fixer uppers" and then proceeds to fix them up.  The couple has a great, funny, loving relationship dynamic (they also have 4 kids and multiple animals so having a sense of humor is key)  It's always great to see the dumps that they buy and how beautiful they turn out to be.

Why it's addicting:  If I could have my own business doing exactly what they do it would be a dream come true, so for me it's fun and interesting seeing their show and how the work and do it all - plus the houses at the end are always gorgeous!

4. Modern Family

photo found

Premise according to me:
Family today is no longer mom + dad + son + daughter and this show encompasses that idea offering a variety of "non-traditional" families.  It's hilarious and really it's all about parents wanting the best for their children although they all go about it in different ways.

Why it's addicting: Another sitcom I was late to the game to but am eager to make up for lost time!  A funny show with a great ensemble and a loving message at the heart of it all - this is the first sitcom I look for when I'm scrolling through the channels!

5. Flipping the Block

HGTV Flipping the Block

photo found

Premise according to me:
This is actually a new show that is only on Sunday nights (I may have a slight HGTV obsession....)  This show features 4 teams of two who each get a condo to remodel, the twist is that they have to live in their remodel while they are working on it.  They also have a schedule of which room they have to do at one time and then have a set time to complete it.  One thing that I find particularly interesting is that they give each team a lump sum of money and the teams get to decide how much to allocate to each challenge - I really like seeing which teams can really stretch a dollar and which teams spend too much money on their design.

Why it's addicting: Like a lot of reality shows you get invested in the teams and you have your favorites and least favorites however in this case my favorite design doesn't always come from my favorite team which makes me conflicted.  It's fun to see the designs as well as all the drama involved in living in a remodel (hint, the twin brothers who sleep on their shop floor are the least whiny during this living situation)

6. Dance Moms

Dance Moms

 photo found

 Premise according to me:
Features Abby of Abby Lee Dance Company and her dancers as they learn routines and attention competions.  The drama is of course caused by the overbearing mothers who just want wwhat's best for their daughters.  There are also fights every week regarding "The Pyramid" a ranking of the girls based on who Abby likes that week, fights about solos, duets, costumes, etc. 

Why it's addicting: SO. MUCH. DRAMA.  I was never involved in dance (except dance ensemble at college) so this lifestyle is especially fascinating for me to watch since it's so foreign to me.  The girls are amazing dancers so that's always fun to watch but the drama is where it's at.  You won't be able to turn away with all the frenemies yelling at eachother during 50 minutes and then hugging it out for the last 10.

7. Love it or List It

Love It or List It tv show cover art

 photo found

Premise according to me:
I told you I have an HGTV problem.  This show is almost always on HGTV so it's a pretty reliable "go-to" if nothing else is on.  (It's either this show or House Hunters that is almost always on HGTV, but House Hunters isn't as entertaining - there's only so many times people can complain about paint color before I want to throw things at the TV)  Anyway, the premise is that a couple's house isn't functioning well and one partner wants to move while the other partner has faith that they can remodel the house to work.  Enter Hilary and David.  Hilary is the designer who reworks the space trying to get the couple to "Love It" and David is the relator trying to get them to "List It"

Why it's addicting: Like I mentioned, it's a reliable show that's on more often then not so that helps.  It's also always fun to see the house and figure out how they are going to add 3 bedrooms and a bathroom to a teeny-tiny town home.  Something ALWAYS goes wrong with the project and therefore the budget.  The homeowners always have so little faith in Hilary and David but then are of course wow-ed in the end.  Also seeing all the different requests for space is interesting - one couple went on house tours and only talked about how the materials used throughout the house were harmful to the environment.

8. Big Bang Theory

 TV Show - The Big Bang Theory Wallpapers and Backgrounds ID : 431311
 photo found

Premise according to me:
2 physicists are roommates and a pretty blonde moves in across the hallway.  That's the basic premise of this funny and quirky sitcom - although all of their friends get in on the fun too!

Why it's addicting: I picked this show up in season one and can quote it extensively. I enjoy the quirky characters and how there hasn't been a sitcom with a science focus that I've ever seen before.  The humor is funny - I get most of the references since I've played games like Settlers of Catan and Dungeons and Dragons.  The addition of the two other females Bernadette and Amy were great additions and I love the ensemble.

9. 19 Kids and Counting


 photo found

Premise according to me:
Jim Bob and Michelle are incredibly religious and have 19 children (because no, they don't believe in birth control instead they are leaving it in God's hands to bless them with as many children as they see fit)  This show covers their everyday lives as well as major events like births, weddings, anniversaries, courtships, etc.

Why it's addicting: It's incredibly fascinating to see a family of this size and how the do every day things with 19 children.  They have a kitchen that resembles most cafeterias, multiple cars, they do road trips on their charter bus, etc.  I also find it interesting since they have such different beliefs then my own.  Their rigorous religious upbringing, thoughts about relationships and courtships are things I have never been exposed to and I find it addicting to watch this family that is so unlike my own.

10. Friends

photo found

Premise according to me:
A sitcom about 6 friends living in New York City.

Why it's addicting: I didn't grow up with this show - my mother thought it was inappropriate since there's a lot of sleeping around, but I managed to watch all of them with my roommates the Fall of 2012.  It's a hilarious show and brought us so many funny pop culture references "PIVOT!"  And since I haven't seen every episode a million times I still find it refreshing and familiar, although not so familiar that I can quote every line.. yet.

Those are the shows I'm flipping to the most - what about you?  Any recommendations?

Monday, April 28, 2014

Making some Lemonade

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"

This post is all about optimism.  I try to be an optimistic person, however I will admit that I myself am not always the best at being a patient person and this past Friday those two things were in cahoots and I had a hard time trying to make them fit together.

Ideal situation:
I planned to leave work at noon, grab my bags and be on the metro no later then 12:15pm.  Then I would arrive at the airport/car rental facility at 12:45pm, receive a car and be on my way no later then 1:30pm.  The drive to surprise my boyfriend was supposed to take 3 hours, meaning I would arrive between 4:30 - 5:00 pm, shout surprise and then there would be a romantic hug and kiss while the angels sang.  (Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating on that last part, but everything else was supposed to happen)

How it actually happened:
I left work at noon, grabbed my bags and was on the metro by 12:15pm.  I arrived at the car rental facility at 12:45pm only to be told that my particular car rental company was off site and that I needed to travel to a different terminal to catch a shuttle to the facility.  I found the little bus shelter to sit in a waited.  I was the only one there for the first 10 minutes, and kept holding out that the next bus to round the corner was my bus.  After 10 minutes another person showed up (I was to learn later on in the story this man's name was Niles) and we chatted and wondered aloud if this was the right place as well as if we would miss our reservations (scheduled at 1:00pm but by this time it was 1:15pm)  The shuttle finally rolled up and made a series of stops along the way (one of which was where I started this whole journey so that made me slightly frustrated)  On the shuttle ride Niles and I talked about what we did in DC, where we were originally from, how he liked the city since he had just moved here, etc.  We finally showed up at the lot in Crystal City.  This is where I realized that I could have walked to this lot from a metro stop and have saved myself an entire HOUR at this point.

Niles and I got in line, not an entirely promising place since it was backed up super far and there was still a crowd of people outside who apparently had not even gotten cars yet.  We slowly made our way through the line and I believed I finally reached the counter at 2:00pm.  I looked at Niles and said "well, look at the bright side, we could still be in the back of the line?"  This was my start of phrases where I compared we were in the process to where we could be "We could still be waiting for a shuttle, we could be just getting off the shuttle, etc. in the attempts to bolster our spirits and remember all the progress we had made.

Once we had gotten our reservations processed we were sent outside to join the masses waiting for a car.  Luckily, after maybe 5 minutes of waiting an angel arrived.  The angel was in the form of a good natured 50-60 year old man with a "can do" attitude and a focus on getting people cars and on the road.  He started running through the list at record speed compared to how everything else was handled.  As soon as someone was returning a car they would hop out, he would call up a name and say "does this car work for you? do you want us to wash it for you or are you happy with it as is?"  To me this was a win-win situation for all of us who just wanted to leave.  He put me in a car very quickly and then I proceeded to wait while Niles was given the car behind me and we backed out to get in the line of cars waiting to leave the lot.

This is where I almost lost it. I was incredibly proud of myself for being patient, friendly and optimistic about a not-so-fun experience.  The gate to let all of us out of the parking lot was broken.  I was in the car and ready to go, but unfortunately I was penned in.  It took them at least 10 minutes to get a technician out to service the gate and get it open.  By this time it is around 2:30pm (an hour and a half after my 1:00pm reservation for a vehicle) and I am finally hitting the road.  All my hopes to avoid traffic and the impending rain were dashed.

I wish I could end the story here with "and I drove 2.5 hours and made it safely there"  However the day started to take another try at testing my optimism and patience when Google maps on my phone decided to take the least efficient way of traveling and I, gullible and believing, followed it's instructions all the way up Rock Creek Parkway, taking residential streets instead of the highway, following the woman's voice off of one highway only to get directly back on it 20 minutes later (at that point I almost started crying I was so frustrated).  I did eventually make it (after 4ish hours) to my boyfriend's apartment where he was incredibly surprised that I was there.  And that was the lemonade that was made from all those lemons that I received that day. 

I made a nice friend in Niles, who made this entire experience way more enjoyable (seriously, start talking to random strangers when you're waiting and the experience will go much faster), I got kind, friendly service because I did not act exasperated or upset, and got in a car much faster by being accommodating.  There's quite a bit to be said for being optimistic and trying to see the positive side of things - just my own experience.

Monday, March 31, 2014

March 28th - a dash of color

I noticed I was wearing a lot of dark colors this week and even though it was cold, gloomy and rain was in the forecast I was going to try for Spring. 

Here I am with a bright teal (aqua?) dress from Loft, my standard black blazer from Forever 21, a JCrew necklace that as a gift and my black flats from DSW. I love wearin color and this outfit definitely lifted my spirits. This is also a great Friday dress because the dress has a fun cutout in the back meaning I can ditch the jacket, change the shoes and then go out to a happy hour ready for Friday! It's always fun to have those pieces that can go from work to play :) 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 26th - Two for One

Today was my second day of class for professional development, it was ok although I didn't really enjoy one of the presenter's teaching styles and the group can't answer questions/problems quickly. We always have to go through ten different "what if" scenarios. The classroom was freezing so I ended up wearing two different outfits. 

Outfit one:

The grey dress - that has pockets! And the blue cardigan are both from Target. This wasn't keeping me warm so during the break I changed into: 

Outfit 2:
To get warmer I changed my sweater to a warmer one I keep it on the back of my chair - it was purchased at Kohls when I was visiting Minnesota and realized I needed warmer clothes. I also added my boots to keep part of my legs warm, I had knee socks under them!

Finally I was warm for the rest of the work day!