Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Mad-Dress

For anyone who knows me, it's no secret that I have a lot of clothes.  I not only have my tiny closet in my DC apartment filled to bursting but with the help of my parents I have six drawers under my bed filled with clothes as well as a 5 drawer up-right dresser that's stuffed as well.  I enjoy finding clothes on sale, clearance as well as in thrift stores and Goodwill.  I loved getting dressed up (perk of having a boss that requires a lot of business dress) and on weekends can be found in at least 2 different outfits per day - well if my at home "outfit" of yoga pants and sweatshirts can count as an outfit :)

I thought because of my plethora of clothes that it might be a fun experiment if I try to go through all of March without repeating an outfit.  That way I would know what I actually wear, possibly discover new and fun combinations and then be able to donate or let my friends pick over the stuff that I can do without.

The Rules:

  1. I must document at least one new/original outfit every day.  Now these will be a combination of awesome mirror selfies or conning friends into taking my picture for me, but at one point in the day there will be a post with a new outfit.
  2. No repeating dresses (these count as one outfit)  I know that you can say that you are wearing a different jacket or cardigan with a dress but I'm not sure that counts as a real outfit.
  3. Yes to repeating jeans/basic dress pants.  Surprisingly I only have 2 pairs of jeans that I really love and continue to wear on a daily basis, and jeans are basics so these can be layered and be a completely different outfit.  The same goes for my black and grey dress pants - these are wardrobe staples that can be used to form a number of different outfits.
  4. Yes to repeating accessories - this is just a clothing challenge, accessories such as jewelry, scarves, belts and shoes can be repeated as often as I choose.
Wish me luck and stay tuned for March Mad-Dress challenge!!!

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